
试驾一开始,我们上了五环,C5带给我的感觉真是棒极了。六速的变速箱运转流畅,171马力带动1600公斤重的车身是绰绰有余。对于C5来说,完成从0-100公里的加速仅需9.9秒;2.3升的排量,引擎几乎没什么噪音;宽大的后视镜颇有设计感,同时非常方便驾驶者观察路况——只一点可能让你一开始感到不适应,就是C5的电子稳定系统,它让你在还没有意识到车辆侧滑时主动干预,让车辆安全地回复到正确行驶轨迹(译者注)。放心,你很快就会习惯这一点。 实际上,雪铁龙C5在安全性能方面考虑周到,比如限速器、巡航系统以及视频影像倒车显示装置都会更好的帮助驾驶者放心驾驶。
The first part of the way up there all along 5th ring road, the Citroen C5 was more then enjoyable to drive. The 6-speed automatic is working smoothly, and the 171 horse power lift the 1.600 kg heavy car comfortable to the driver’s destination. According to Citroen, the C5 is from 0-100 km/h in 9, 9 seconds; the 2.3 Liter engine runs gently, the big and stylishly shaped side-view mirror allow the driver to watch approaching traffic easily – the only thing that is confusing at first is the fixed-centred controls steering wheel, which means even when turning and driving left or right, the inner part of the steering wheel including the control knobs on it keep its position. But one gets quickly used to this detail, which also contributes to security as frequently used driving controls like for example speed limiter and cruise control as well as and other functions - radio or central screen controls - are easily accessible for the driver all the time in the same position.

But the elegant C5 is not only an eye catcher on the motorway, the sedan also impresses on small, curvy and steep mountain roads: although 480 cm long and 181 cm in width, the handling on narrow roads is easy, and the safety packet including up to 6 air bags punctuates the overall feeling of safety this car radiates. Drivers who prefer a more sporty way of driving will be pleased to know that by pushing a small knob next to the gear shift, the automatic is in “sport mode”, higher numbers of revolutions are possible, the C5 becomes more energetic, good for example when overtaking. And for those who want to be completely in control: feel free to use the semi-automatic transmission in order to let the 171 horses of the 2.3 engine move the way you want them to!