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老外看车:品味法式优雅——小试雪铁龙C5 查看下一页

2012年01月30日 15:06 来源:国际在线 参与互动(0)


  You know, when I meet people here in China for the first time, be it Chinese or foreigners, most of them think I’m French. Kind of strange, I thought in the beginning, but then I started to take it as a compliment – after all there are worse things than being called French! Au contraire - on the contrary, as the French stand for, among others, elegance, concinnity, tastefulness and savoir vivre!


  All these characteristics must have been in the mind of the engineers from Citroen when they were designing the new C5! This mid-range car, revised in 2009 and now introduced to the Chinese market, impresses with an elegant and classic appearance, and after having taken a seat, this positive first impression is confirmed: the interior is well manufactured, the instruments and displays are designed accurately and with the love for details, and not only the driver and front-seat passenger enjoy high comfort, also passengers in the back are able to have a relaxed time while getting closer to their destination with enough leg- and headroom to get out of the car refreshed and recovered.



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