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上一页 老外看车:品味法式优雅——小试雪铁龙C5(2) 查看下一页

2012年01月30日 15:06 来源:国际在线 参与互动(0)


  This the two colleagues accompanying me could confirm: yes, two, as it was the last time Momo was assisting me and making sure that I don’t get lost in the West of Beijing. And with us was Nannan, another charming lady who will help me in the future to find out more about the fascinating world of cars and who will lead the way to more small, quiet and easily accessible roads and destinations in order to test car after car after car.


  This time we were heading out West - of course, the CRI building is in Shijingshan district, perfect for test driving any car on the nearby 5th ring road and then keep on driving to any destination in the Western Mountains. Like Dajue Temple, for example, the “Temple of Enlightenment”, located in the shadow of nearby Yangtai Mountains.



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