
发布时间:2024年04月21日 11:18     来源:中国新闻网

  来自哥伦比亚的小伙安德(Jorge Andrés Contreras)在北京的一家出版社做外语编辑。2016年他第一次来到北京,之后便下定决心,要学好中文。安德精通西班牙语、法语和英语,对汉语也充满学习热情。因不熟悉中文语调,他曾经在餐厅将餐具“刀子”读成“稻子”,和服务员解释了半天。为提高汉语水平,安德经常看中文电影,甚至把餐厅菜单作为学习材料。在学习过程中,他发现中国汉字有一种独特的美,比如“山”、“水”、“火”这些汉字都很有图画感。通过学习汉字,他也领会到了做人的道理。汉字方方正正,他告诫自己,做人要正直诚实,遵守规则。(莫红娥) 

  Born in Columbia, Jorge Andrés Contreras works as an editor in a foreign language press in Beijing. He is proficient in Spanish, French, and English, and has been learning Chinese ardently since he arrived in Beijing for the first time in 2016.Since he first started learning Chinese, he has found the four tones of the spoken language a great challenge and the inaccurate pronunciation could even lead to misunderstandings.To improve his Chinese, Contreras would avidly consume Chinese movies and even use restaurant menus as learning materials. Later, he discovered the unique aesthetic appeal of Chinese characters, as the structure of some characters perfectly echo with their connotation. He also admires how Chinese characters embody moral virtues of honesty, integrity, and adherence to rules. 


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