新西兰总理宣布 将限制海外投资者在新西兰购房
中新网11月1日电 据新西兰天维网报道,当地时间10月31日下午,新西兰总理杰辛达•阿德恩(Jacinda Ardern)宣布,从明年年初开始,海外投机者将无法购买新西兰房产。

以下英文部分为新西兰总理杰辛达•阿德恩(Jacinda Ardern)政策问答原文。
We are determined to make it easier for Kiwis to buy their first home so we are stopping foreign speculators buying houses and driving up prices.
That is why we are introducing an amendment to the Overseas Investment Act to classify residential housing as “sensitive”. This means non-residents or non-citizens cannot purchase existing residential dwellings.
我们将通过修改现有的《海外投资法》(Overseas Investment Act),将民用住宅定义为敏感资产。这也意味着非新西兰居民或新西兰国籍人士将无法购买现有房产。
We expect legislation to be introduced before Christmas and take effect immediately once passed early in 2018. This will fulfil one of our key 100 Day Plan pledges.
The advice we have had from officials is that we can give effect to the ban by a simple amendment to the Overseas Investment Act without breaching any agreement except the Singapore Closer Economic Partnership. The options with Singapore will be worked through.
我们从相关官员那里得到的建议是,通过修改《海外投资法》( Overseas Investment Act),就可以在不违反已有协议的情况下,阻止海外买家购买新西兰房产。
受影响的协议仅有“与新加坡更紧密的经贸伙伴关系”(Singapore Closer Economic Partnership),不过我们与新加坡的协议近期即将重启谈判(renegotiation soon),所以问题不大。
The proposed change means we can move our focus away from land issues at the negotiating table at APEC when negotiations on the TPP reach their final stages, and focus on Investor State Dispute Settlement clauses.
今日提出的改变意味着在APEC(亚太经合组织)会议上,TPP谈判进入最后阶段时,新西兰政府可以在将主要的注意力,从土地问题转移到ISDS( investor state dispute settlement)问题上。所谓ISDS,即“投资者—国家争端解决”,指的是如果外国投资者的权益遭受东道国不法措施的侵害,其只能寻求母国的外交保护。
We remain determined to do our utmost to amend the ISDS provisions of TPP. In addition, Cabinet has today instructed trade negotiation officials to oppose ISDS in any future free trade agreements.
The change we have announced today are supported by all parties to the government.
Australians will be exempt as New Zealanders are in Australia.