【东西问·中外对话】德经济专家:欧盟对华电动车加税 对其绿色转型造成挑战

发布时间:2024年11月08日 12:52     来源:中国新闻网

  当地时间10月29日,欧盟委员会发布消息称结束了反补贴调查,决定对从中国进口的电动汽车(BEV)征收为期五年的最终反补贴税。在接受中国新闻网采访时,德国联邦经济发展和对外贸易协会主席米夏埃尔·舒曼(Michael Schumann)指出,这一举措将导致一损俱损。

  舒曼强调,中国电动车的先进技术是推动创新的重要动力,而竞争可以为欧洲消费者提供更便宜、技术更先进的车型。然而,随着反补贴税的实施,欧洲车企将受到打击,最终代价将转嫁给消费者,导致电动车价格居高不下。这种局面显然不利于欧洲的绿色转型。(记者 陈天浩)

  During an interview with China News Network, Michael Schumann, chairman of the Board of the German Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade, noted that the EU’s decision to impose definitive countervailing duties on Chinese-made electric vehicles will bring loss to everyone.

  He stressed that Chinese carmakers adopt the best technology at the moment, and the competition between Chinese carmakers and European carmakers will drive innovation in Europe. However, the countervailing duties will seriously hit European carmakers, and that will be transferred to the consumer, leading to high prices of electric cars that will not lower. “It will not lead us to a faster transition to green mobility,” Schumann concluded. (Chen Tianhao)


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