
发布时间:2024年02月04日 20:23     来源:中国新闻网

  日前,世界经济论坛年会在瑞士达沃斯举行,多位与会人士表达了对中国经济发展前景的信心。在接受中新网独家专访时,世界经济论坛前总经理克劳德·萨马加(Claude Smadja)表示,世界对2024年中国经济的发展充满期待。他认为,中国国务院总理李强在世界经济论坛2024年年会开幕式上的特别致辞释放了积极信号,让全球商业精英确信投资中国市场是机遇。 此外,克劳德提到了中国当前需要直面的三大挑战——继续提振国内经济信心、加速发展模式转变、平衡科技自立自强与吸收外资和外部技术。他认为,中国会采取十分审慎的措施,来成功应对这些挑战。(陈天浩)

  Claude Smadja, Former Managing Director of the World Economic Forum, told China News Network that the world looking forward to the growth of China’s economy to expand by 5% again in 2024. He considered Chinese Premier Li Qiang's speech in Davos as a positive one trying to convince the international business community that China is a good place to invest. In addition, Claude also mentioned three challenges China now faces, including the restoration of consumer confidence, the shift of the growth model, and the balance between China's scientific and technological leadership in certain areas and the technological injections. He believes China will take a very careful threading of the line to address these challenges.


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