
发布时间:2024年03月09日 15:59     来源:中国新闻网

  今年,旅游市场延续去年以来的加速复苏向好势头。2024年中国全国两会期间,如何进一步推动旅游业高质量发展,也成为引发热议的话题之一。中国-新西兰旅游研究中心主任、新西兰怀卡托大学管理学院教授克里斯·瑞安(Chris Ryan)近日接受中国新闻网专访时,就以冬季旅游业格外火爆的中国城市哈尔滨为例,指出中国旅游业与经济发展表现良好。


  During Two Sessions, how to further promote the high-quality development of tourism has also become a topic of discussion. Chris Ryan, Professor at the University of Waikato Management School, noted during an exclusive interview with China News Network that there's a rebound and recovery thanks to the revenge tourism happened in Northeast China's Harbin.

  He further explained that Harbin combines a rebound factor, an evolving policy of services and destination of Harbin, and a much more attractive urbanization policy. In his eyes, the future for Harbin will certainly be good, and good careful planning can actually take advantage of extremely cold winters, which is unique to Harbin.


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